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Blogger by Nature?

OK. Since class ended on Monday, I've been thinking about the question of why bloggers blog, and more specifically, way so many bloggers blog?

I do think there's some truth to the idea that we (humans) are information-sharing animals, that we have innate need to spread information, knowledge and ideas. In fact, I think this is the best explanation I've heard for why so many bloggers blog.

Why do I blog? I spent some time thinking about whether this is the same as asking myself why I write. For me, the writing (moreso than blogging) comes from an innate need, from my inborn inability to communicate well in a common way: by speaking. For me, it has always been easier to write something down than to say it. Sometimes I'm not even sure that my emotions actually register, or if I can identify them, until I've written about them. So, no. I don't think asking "why blog?" is synonymous with "why write?" (But I'm just thinking aloud here.)

Anyway. After I shoveled my way through those thoughts, I started wondering: why do I blog? Why have I blogged (horrible blogs, mind you) for four years? I have no answer. I'm a relatively private person, a bit hermit-ish given the moment, so it seems out of character. Why, then, do I write in a public venue? Am I a closet exhibitionist? Am I really self-absorbed?

...I think that rather than answer those questions, I'll just say that it's natural that I blog because it's natural to share information and knowledge.

Now, on to the memes.

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