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Good God!

In the past month, we have found five Western Conifer Seed Bugs in our home. I wouldn't have known what it was were it not for http://www.whatsthatbug.com/, a simultaneously compelling and revolting website. The Western Conifer Seed Bug was the site's December Bug of the Month. What an honor!

That said, I am not an insect person. Not many people are, I know, but I'm really not an insect person. Since I was a child, insects (of all kinds) have been a recurring theme in my nightmares. Mr. Conifer Seed Bug over there on your left visited my sleep last night. I had a dream that he and his friends were slowly taking over the house while I frantically (and unsuccessfully) tried to kill them all. I woke up sweating and anxious and convinced my home was doomed. My only comfort? A bedside lamp and Nick at Nite.

(After writing this, I realize this probably isn't something I should blog about. I mean, who wants to read about bug invasions?)


That having been said, any bug with "western" in the name should automatically NOT be living in CT!

Good luck in your battle. If you need it, I'm pretty sure I've got some extra bug spray in the garage.

Don't feel bad, Sara--I found one in my house the other day, too! I thought it was a wolf spider on my bathroom door and didn't realize it was one of those bugs until I was in the process of smashing it.

I'm not a bug person either. I especially hate crickets. They're just nasty looking. My sister and her son are big into bugs, though. They like to collect them and put them into jars and cages. I gave my nephew a book on bugs for Christmas a couple of years ago and he loved it. Strange kid...

I had a close encounter with one of these...I was sound asleep today as I felt something running across my arm. How did I feel it I wonder?

My first instinct was to move my arm up real fast. It send some sort of bug (I thought it was a common cockroach) flying into the air. It went into a pile of my things.

Turns out it went into an old shoe, man I thought this was some sort of alien race. It was super fast runner but it just hid there.

I went to my sink and hit the shoe, the bug fell out. I was like "man, what is this thing!"
I took a picture of it just in case it really was an unidentified bug.

Insects that can crawl and have long sharp things on their feet cannot crawl out of a bathroom sink.

I left it there, not knowing how to get it and throw it in the toilet...but I thought of something...

I took out my D92-H M4 (Airsoft) and started to load it with a few beebees. I was like man the only way that I can throw away this bug would be to kill it first.

I took some shots at it while filming, I shot one of the legs off while shooting it. I was like oh my god its got poison! The most horrific smell came out of the bug! I had to spray febreeze all over.

I kept shooting at it, mostly missing it. Until like 20 shots later, I shot the other front leg off. But this time, I was prepared. I had a big ole towel around my mouth and neck.

I tell ya I kinda looked like a terrorist with a towel around my neck and an airsoft rifle. Safety goggles too of course.

I sprayed febreeze once more as I knew what was about to happen. The but tried to get in the sink hole where the water goes. It was too fat, so I waited until it moved off a bit then opened the hole completely.

It went in there then it didnt wanna go in anymore, I was like you stupid bug get ur a** in there. I took a q-tip and pushed it so it would escape. It did not budge and then it climbed out!

After it was back at the sink, it held on to the q-tip because of the sharp things on it's feet.

I finally carried it off to the toilet and flushed it. but thats not all..........

I then saw one of the legs pretty far away from the sink. I must have shot it off with a force so great that it went above the sink and traveled around 2 feet.

I am not an insect person at all, I hate them with all my might. I can stand a jumping spider because its small, and eats bugs (lol)

That bug I saw was freakin discusting...I didnt know what bug it was yet so I started searching google.

I came across this place when I typed in the bug's correct name.
Thats when I saw that you could write comments. I just had to get the story out of my head...

I can't go to sleep now because I get freaked out after I kill a bug w/o any sprays, I mean physically kill them.

I had to get this off my chest...phew I hope at least one person read this. My D92-H M4 (Airsoft)has about 2 Wasp hits, and 2 Bug hits. I need to work on my aim a bit more.

Well, this is the end of my comment and anyone who read it I think they're cool for reading what I had to say.

It was like a short novel haha.

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